It is a very old installer, primarily text-based, with no spiffy GUI interface. Yes, I can hear a lot of users out there going "Ugh". Full Installer: This is a slightly modified version of the Debian GNU/Linux installer.32-bit (i386) and 64-bit (amd64) versions: Some distributions have dropped 32-bit support, but not Kali.The installation images available on the Kali Downloads page are: So I am going to run down some of the possibilities, in hopes of clearing it up a bit.

Kali is available for installation in a number of different formats, for a number of different systems, and that variety can sometimes be a bit intimidating. To update Kali, first ensure that /etc/apt/sources.list is properly populated: :~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.Kali Linux 2020.4 with Xfce desktop. Kali has a release four times a year, and follows a loose quarterly schedule. For this reason, it is a good idea to follow the Kali Twitter, or check the Kali website every few months. If you are using last-snapshot, you will not receive updates until we release the next version of Kali for that year. As Kali is a rolling release, once in a while issues will sneak into rolling and may break a tool that is needed. However, a good practice is that you ensure all tools work before an engagement and during that engagement you should not update. If you need a new version of a tool, or hear about a security update, that may speed up the timetable. If you have a default installation of Kali, you should be checking for updates every few weeks.